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Seven Days: Vermont Car Blog

January 21, 2009

Team O'Neil Day 1

So here I am in Dalton, NH at Team O'Neil Rally School. The day started with a rendezvous at the Hampton Inn in Littleton, NH and then we convoyed out to the school's remote location. The site is beautiful. The school sits in a small valley or dale surrounded by rugged evergreen and birch covered hills. We started with an hour of classroom instruction and then headed out to the skid pad to start practicing left-foot braking and how to use that technique to turn the vehicle on the snow and ice covered low-traction surface. Then we hit the slalom course to start to get some rhythm and commit the technique to muscle-memory. All in all a great start to the week. These guys know what they're doing. I can't wait to see what day 2 brings!


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Mike Corwin

Wow - I can't wait to hear about the rest of it. My wife has been wanting to do something like this for a long time.......sounds like a beautiful setting too.

a big fan

Sweet. I can't wait to see videos of the rest of the days!


I wish they did stuff like that in driver's ed! Might give me more confidence driving in the snow.

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