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Seven Days: Vermont Car Blog

January 24, 2009

Team O'Neil Day 4

Well the good times had to end sometime and so I find myself at the end of my four days at Team O'Neil Rally Driving School. We came out to the course after lunch and it hit me, darn it, this is it.
As long as everyone's driving skills had progressed appropriately, and ours had, we got to drive one last long run on a particularly tough course. This last winding run included a scary looking, off-camber, icy, narrow, steep downhill section that in preview had me spooked. Instructor Chris Duplessis (a two-time, two-wheel drive Rally Champion) took us through the course at top speed which was a wicked blast. That really inspired me to give it a go. How did I do? Check out the video. It was a great ending to a fantastic week. Thanks to Tim O'Neil and all of the superb Team O'Neil instructors, you guys all kick ass!


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Big Fan

Thanks for posting more videos, this one really took the cake!


Way to go!


Glad you got to give this a try. It's a lot of fun and the Team O'neil folks really know their stuff. I was able to do the one day course and had a blast.


This is my favorite video from my week at Team O'Neil's. It was an awesome way to cap the week. Any time I'm having a bad day all I have to do is watch this video and I feel good all over again.

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