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Seven Days: Vermont Car Blog

February 08, 2009

Oil Going Green?

G-Oil Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way we could get motor oil from a cleaner renewable source that didn’t require the use of petroleum? In Stamford, Connecticut one company was thinking exactly that. Since last May, Green Earth Technologies has been selling G-Oil, an oil made from beef fat for small two and four cycle engines. G-Oil utilizes slaughter house by-products paired with nanotechnology to create a completely petroleum free motor oil. G-Oil is available in all of the standard weights, and can be purchased in over 2000 retail locations nation wide as well as online. G-Oil is already being used in auto racing and is expected to be certified for use in cars and trucks from the American Petroleum Institute later this year. According to Green Earth Technologies, one cow can yield as much as 110 quarts of motor oil!


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Diane Sullivan

Doesn't seem so "green" from the cow's point of view.

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